A sign of fall in Oregon is the return of the Golden-crowned Sparrows. They’ll hang around our feeders all winter and leave sometime in early May.
Canon 7D Mark II; Sigma 150-600 at 600 mm. 1/1000 at f6.3; ISO 800.![GCS-NPN|647x499]
Mark: As with comments, posts in the Weekly Challenge are not listed under “Latest”. Why is the weekly challenge getting dissed in the new NPN? This used to be a popular gallery.
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Allen, the back light really shows off the colors in the brambles. I also like the bits of color in the wing tips and the nice warm background. This is a good, colorful look at this bird in it’s habitat.
Right now, the Weekly Challenge Gallery is a sort of an orphan. It’s not in the list of critique galleries and as you indicate, posts and comments don’t show up under “latest”. That seems very likely to reduce how much attention it gets. Changing it’s status is up to David K. I can (and have, mildly…) advocated for getting it added to the critique gallery list, but if you and other members also ask for that change of status, it’s more likely to happen.