The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
not sure
Creative direction
highlight the iceberg
Specific Feedback
Technical Details
ISO 80
Focal length 400mm
Exposure 1/125 @ 7.1
image was shot from a moving vessel handheld
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
I’ve noticed that many photographers darken the water to make the iceberg stand out more. I did it clumsily. If you brighten up the small icebergs nearby it should look even better.
Hi Ian, what an impressive sight! wonderful image! I very much like the aspect ratio, it fits the scene well and sets it apart from other images! I was wondering however if excluding the triangular shaped darker iceberg by cropping in a little bit from the right maybe would highlight the big Iceberg even more. Also it would exclude the darker cloud at the right edge of the frame. Just some thoughts. in any way it is a stunning image.
Beautiful image. It must have been stunning in person. My only problem with the photo is the white balance seems off to me. The sky seems too warm for the rest of the photo. Granted, I have never seen an iceberg in person and maybe your edit is really what it looked like. I tried my hand at editing it and moved the temperature slider more into the blue.