Golden Jackal on the riverbed.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was expecting to see a Tiger on the riverbed but this Golden Jackal obliged.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Canon R 5; 500 mm; ISO 800; 1/800 sec. at f 5.


I really like this. The dog is prominent, but so much a part of the landscape. I love the ruff and the neck and face fur - so much like a wolf, but with the overall dimensions of a coyote here in the US. I live how the light rocks reflect light back into the fur which is lit from behind as well. Wow. Sure, tigers are wonderful, but this is distinctive as well. You might think about cropping a bit of the dark area on the left - you could cut that rock in half without a problem I think.

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Hi J,
that looks beautiful. I love the soft light. The Jackal is framed nicely by the plants.
I agree with @Kris_Smith about the crop at the left edge.

Did the tiger still make an appearance?

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Thanks friends!
@Jens_Ober Tiger did make an appearance, but next evening. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Jagdeep, I really like the golden light and the piercing eyes of the jackal. Also like the inclusion of the rocky surroundings to really fully a sense of place. Well done.

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Jagdeep: I like the soft light and tranquility of the scene. I think a bit of a vignette would make the jackal stand out even more.

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