@Mark_Seaver can probably help you if you want to cross post this in the Weekly Challenge, but it is also a grand landscape that I’m enjoying here.
It’s funny that when I looked at it small, the top looked like you had tried to add a border of white, but only at the top. The impression goes away at full size, though.
I suppose common in the sense that the Grand Canyon has been photographed six ways to Sunday, but for me there is a reason for that that your image illustrates. There is wonderful interest and depth to these eroded patterns, especially as the light creeps long shadows as it does here. I think the black and white does a good job to focus on the patterns of that too.
Hi Delton,
This works great as a B&W. The sidelight has created some lovely shadows and added a wonderful sense of depth to this particular view of the Grand Canyon. My only suggestion would be the already mentioned crop of the sky as it does draw the eye up to the top of the frame. Nicely done!
Excellent b&w rendition of the canyon. Great detail and you have a good balance of canyon elements throughtout allowing the eye to meander around the frame.
Agree about the sky. It’s just bordering on either needing more sky, or none at all. From what I can see, there probably aren’t any interesting clouds, so better off without that “border.”
As far as the category, you should be able to “edit” your post, and re-select the Weekly Challenge. If not, then certainly a moderator can do it. Of course, the image works perfectly here too!
Hi Delton, I think I have a very similar image from years ago…also in B&W. I like yours better. I might eliminate the sky as it looks more like a part of a frame and draws the eye away from the magnificent scene. Well done.