Grand Prismatic Muted

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Thinking about this week’s challenge of minimalism made me remember this scene from last fall in Yellowstone. We’d gone to the Grand Prismatic basin, but the colors were muted from the voluminous steam and fog. From the boardwalk, the reflections of the trees on the hill above, combined with the low ridges of the thermal features made an interesting combination.

I’d worked it up before, but wasn’t really satisfied. This week’s challenge made me give it more serious thought.

Specific Feedback

Any comments welcome.

Technical Details

Even though the colors were muted, I processed this to make them even more so. Along with brightening the image, I felt that made this more minimalist.

I did quite a bit of fiddling with color and dodging/burning.

Screen Shot 2024-04-08 at 10.12.52 AM

1 Like

I really like the creamy, dreamy tones in this completely different take on an old iconic place Bonnie. Well done.

I knew this was yours, Bonnie, as soon as I saw it. Wonderfully done. I love the soft pastel palette. Interesting composition with the squiggly lines running diagonally through and the subtle reflection of the trees.

Thank you, @Chris_Baird and @Ed_Williams. :slight_smile:

Bonnie, this has to be the least colorful look at Grand Prismatic that I’ve ever seen, which makes it very different than the usual “pump the saturation” views. The subtle color shift from bottom to top look good and I like your emphasis on the reflected trees. An intriguing idea, well presented.

Thanks, @Mark_Seaver.