Great Egret eating fish

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Great Egrets have returned to our neighborhood lake this September. I have taken a few shots of them feeding on sunfish.

Specific Feedback

Think I’ll probably crop out the brighter horizontal ripples on the bottom of the third photo. Any thoughts on that?

Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender III, hand held

Nice series, Allen. I agree that those bright waves on the bottom of the third pull the eye. I think you could use a luminosity mask or just a curves layer to bring the whites up a bit in the first two without blowing out the brightest areas.

I like your sequence of photos Allen, they really tell a story. It’s always fascinating to watch them turn a fish around before swallowing. Especially enjoyed seeing the little water droplets in the first image, indicating a really freshly-caught fish, ha ha. Regarding the 3rd image, I didn’t find the brighter ripples bothersome myself, with the white egret grabbing my attention, but you certainly won’t lose anything of importance by cropping a bit.

Very nice sequence. I like the first one best with the water droplets and intense look of the egret. As Jim said, you won’t lose anything by cropping and it would probably direct more attention to the egret.

Three decisive moments in, what, 30 seconds? Well done, all of them! How do they manage to twist the fish in the right direction??? The bright ripples could be either cropped or burned with equal success. I love the shadow on the first one!!

Hi Allen
Nice sequence of shots, The exposure on the second White shows the most feather detail.