Great egret hunting ground

How well does the image show both shadow and highlights?

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Composition, does the crop work OK to explain the situation?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Canon R6, 800mm, F-11 IS STM, 1/1300@ F-ll, ISO 400
Egret was hunting around the barriers which are protecting underwater plant growth.

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Hi John
Do you think some one was trying to grow lilies in that grill? The cropping works and the whites are controlled nicely.

John, I, too, agree that the crop works well to show that the egret is hunting, but wasn’t sure about the reason for the barrier until you explained it. I also think it shows both shadows and highlights well. Just curious: it looks like there is another bird behind the barrier. Is that correct?

The techs seem all good to me, and the story works as well. I mean, clearly the fence is to protect something, but what I couldn’t guess. Main thing is that the Heron is outside :wink: … Nice panorama framing as well. Cheers, Hans

Thanks to all who commented on my recent egret photo. I think the “protected” area has become a prime hunting ground for the big birds!