Great Egret - Redo, 20230722

This was the original submission

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

Hi Everybody,

Here’s a redo. Thanks to all of you for your interest and help on this one. I may not be able to get it completely right, but if nothing else, this is good practice at finessing!

Creative direction

I’m trying to convey the airiness of the bird’s feathers as it takes flight, as well as the brilliance of the white in the mid-afternoon sun.

Specific Feedback

Does it still need work on the hot spots? Have I taken the white down too far? Is the bird too gray now? And waddabout the legs – should I leave 'em or remove 'em now that you see more of them in the light (remembering that the egret’s legs really are actually black by the time you get down to about the ‘knees’)?

Technical Details

Canon 7D Mark II, EF 100-400mm Mark I @ 210mm, f/5.6, 1/2500s, ISO 1250, +0 EV.


A Great Egret spread its wings to take flight. I failed to previsualize the shot and overexposed the white in-camera.

Hi Michael, repost looks good to me except I would take out the legs. The partially lit legs look odd to me.

Great, thanks Allen. I think they look odd too. I’ll pull them. ( … :laughing: …)

I think the repost looks good, Michael. Maybe just a tiny tiny bit gray, but it’s such a fine line between too gray and too little detail. I don’t know if it would help, but you might just pick a sample patch and play with the highlights, texture and anything else you can think of and see if you can get even closer to the ideal, but this is definitely a very nice image with this processing and I think you’re conveying the feel you want.

Thank you for the encouragement, Dennis. It is a fine line, isn’t it. Would that I had exposed for the blinkies in-field! But I like your advice about a sample patch, and I’ll give it a try. Best – MET