Great Egret

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Saw this egret yesterday at the pond I visited. Glad s/he flew low to give a reflection shot.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender III, monopod
ISO 400, f7.1, 1/3200s

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Really couldn’t be more perfect.

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Very good, Allen. Great pose and reflection. I prefer the water reflection to the real background, so I’m glad you have so much of it.

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The wing position is really excellent. Nice timing. I especially like the shadow of the neck and the reflection of the water on the far wing. It adds so much character and interest. I like the water droplets, too, but see something odd on the far bank by them that looks the result of blurring. There’s a section that looks patchy and doesn’t smooth into the rest of the bg well. It extends across the muddy shoreline all the way to the left. You didn’t say anything about your processing so it leaves me wondering a bit. Also it looks a touch cyan and could maybe use a mid-tones lift to give it some sparkle. It definitely looks like it has the room in the dynamic range for that. The reflection is pretty sweet, too. We don’t often get so lucky.

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Excellent capture, Allen. Very good angle, light and wing-position. The reflection puts this over the top - great that you got all of it. Techs look very good too. The egret stands out against the darker background.

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You have a nice flying pose and I like having the egret angled towards the viewer. Good detail and exposure of the whites. Like the water color and reflection. Great capture.

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Hi Kris, I don’t see exactly what you are referring to but there were some branches in the foreground and I tried taking part of one out near the bird. I’ll give it another look to see if I need more touch up work.

It’s not as obvious on my smaller laptop screen as it was on the big monitor, but I put a couple of arrows to show where I mean. Specifically in the water.

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What a killer reflection, Allen. Nice exposure on the bird and good down wing position. Nice and sharp too. Well captured.

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Wow! Wonderful capture, gorgeous whites!!

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Hi Allen
Very nice exposure on this Egret and the reflection is a plus.

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Very nice reflection you managed one this flight shot Allen! Looks sharp, great placement in the frame and great wing position! Nicely done

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Hi Allen: Very seldom does an image stop me in my tracks. Everything in this image works: Subject is razor sharp (excellent choice of shutter speed); the almost mirror reflection is excellent; the use of space, top and bottom and the space between the wings and the reflection is excellent; the neutral toned background is unobtrusive and perfect for this scene. A truly outstanding image. But, consider trying something: flip the image horizontal to see what you think. Congratulations on this great capture, technically and aesthetically.

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Lovely shot of this egret with its reflections!

Compositionally - to me it may be too close to the center - I wonder how this might look ith a tad shaved off the right