Great Spangled Fritillary on Common Sunflower

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


There is not a more spectacular flower in bloom than the common sunflower, in my opinion. Plus, it’s versatility in support of wildlife is nearly unmatched. It provides nectar and pollen for many native bees and other insects, and its ripe seeds are relished by many species of birds. It is both an elegant ornamental and a crucial food crop for both humans and livestock. It’s also the larval food plant for the caterpillars of many species, including the Gorgone Crescentspot, Painted Lady, Silvery Crescentspot, and Bordered Patch butterflies. Lewis and Clark mention the Native Americans’ use of the sunflower in their journals.

Specific Feedback

I didn’t want just another photo of a butterfly dead center in a sunflower. I waited until the Fritillary worked its way around the flower and presented what I thought was a more pleasing pose. Does it work for you? Does the image need to be a bit brighter? When I brighten it, I lose a bit of texture in the flower.

I was undecided where to post this and ultimately decided on Floral, since I believe the sunflower carries the image here.

Technical Details


Canon RF 100-500mm, hand held, processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping. Topaz DeNoise

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Wow!! Who doesn’t love a Sunflower – and a Sunflower with a butterfly is perfect!! So is the color and sharp detail. I love the composition you waited for!!! The leaf provides a counterbalance, but if you have it, maybe just a tweak more canvas on the right to leave room for the point to remain in the frame.

The blue color in the bricks is pretty , but it is a bit distracting. I bet you could do a simple global desaturation of blue/cyan without changing the color of the flower and butterfly.

I think waiting for the butterfly to move to the outside was a master stroke. I don’t know how many people would have the patience for it. The 12 o’clock placement works so well because we can imagine it has just landed and is deciding where to feast first. The two green spikes of leaves support and balance the butterfly so well. Nicely put together.

The wall though…ugh, I know, you had no choice, but you could do what Diane suggested and if you wanted to go further, add a blur layer and take it down a notch. I think I also see a couple of dust spots on the bricks to the right. They vary in size, but stick out to me. Last, you could clone the tiny bits of green stuff coming in on the left bottom of the stem. That’s it for picking on it. Super detail and drama and stuff I didn’t know about sunflowers!

Thanks @Kris_Smith and @Diane_Miller.

Yes, Diane, I have the room on the right to include the tip of that leaf.

I’m not all that patient, Kris. I took several other shots of this butterfly just to “hedge my bets”, so to speak. But I did wait for it to get in what I thought was a better position on the flower. I see those spots and the small shoots of green you mention and will remove.

And yes, that wall that bothers both of you. It bothers me, too. I waited until afternoon to photograph that location when it was in the shade, but it wasn’t enough (obviously). The color is easily adjusted and I do know a blur “trick” in PSE that will probably help, but I don’t know how much. I’ll play with it to see what I can do. If I’m able to improve it, I’ll repost.

Again, thanks to both of you.

Terry, this is a fine look at both the Frit and it’s perch. I’m chuckling because the sunflower’s size makes this Great Spangled feel more like one of the smaller Frit’s or a Checkerspot (even as it’s clearly recognizable). I could possibly see getting the leaf tip on the right into the frame, but that would decrease the size of both the flower and the butterfly, so it’s not an easy trade-off, a 4x5 ratio crop making the leaf cut off deliberate is another alternative.

Thanks @Mark_Seaver. Yeah, sunflowers make everything else in the frame look small in comparison! As for the leaf tip, I realize with every shot I take that everything is a trade-off in photography, isn’t it? I’ve taken thousands of photos, and I have yet to process a photo I thought was perfect. I suspect I never will.

I like the image and the elements, but I also like the background. Provides a sense of place instead of just a couple of good looking speciments.

Thanks @Tony_Kuyper. Your plug-ins for PhotoShop Elements are an instrumental part of my workflow on pretty much every image.

Wow, the placement of the butterfly makes this a very unique shot in my opinion. I don’t think it needs lightened at all, to lose detail would be sad I think. Its an outstanding shot as is. Well done!

Thanks for your kind comments @Judi_Hastings.

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