Spotted this goose among some Canada Geese at Melton Lake in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Is it greater white-fronted goose or something else?
Greater white-fronted geese aren’t really supposed to be in East Tennessee as far as I know
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(Jim Gavin)
January 5, 2023, 7:44am
Looks like a Greater White-fronted Goose (we call them Specklebellys) to me. Nice shot.
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Good find. I like the first shot with the raised leg.
Great action shot with the top photo. The head direction with the eye came out very nice. I wish the other goose in the ULC wasn’t there but with birds we do not get to talk to them.
Hey Eduard, this is terrific. I photographed one of these in a flock of Canada Geese just this morning. Now I know how to label it.