Green Heron in flight

Green Heron in cedar tree:

Seen recently at my neighborhood lake.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Canon 90D, Sigma 150-600 C
ISO 640, f6.3, 1/2000s, hand held

Both images are very good, Allen. The pose in the second makes me think it would support a vertical crop.

Well color me green too. Where do you get these birds? I only ever see them flapping away into the brush like mad things. Both shots show off their variegated plumage so well. The second is pretty comical, too. What a pose! They are so adorable. Great job. And don’t mind my greenish hue.

Excellent job on this. I like the composition, details, and color balance. The setting is quite pleasing. I agree with Dennis about the vertical crop on the second image. Second image is nicely framed by the perch. Background works quite well.