Green water

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Always got special link with Lupin flower because of my grandfather who use to play with me and water trap in the leaf. I took this image thinking of him.

Technical Details

105 macro lens 1/50s f14 ISO64

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Arnaud, I love your story about water being trapped in the lupin leaf. There is nice detail in the water at the base of the plant and on the droplets toward the back of the image. I have just started using my macro lens and am not an expert in getting the maximum depth of field. Using a smaller aperture or focus stacking are two options I have used to increase image sharpness. I wondered if simply flipping the image and having the sharply focused leaves and wonderful water drops in the foreground might be effective. This would push the out of focus leaves to the background. I tried it and liked what it did to the wonderful detail. Thanks for sharing this for the weekly challenge. It is such a “happy” image.

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Hi Barbara, thanks for the feedback, really like the idea and as you said will make the reading much easier.

Yes, the magic of water! In addition to Barbara’s two suggestions, consider simply cropping some of the lower part of this image, even if the original aspect ratio changes. It works from my point of view and brings the drop of water into a place of attention.

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Thank for the feedback, yes definitely something to work on to delete the out of focus part from the image.

Arnaud: I like your original presentation and the offered variants. I especially like the refracted details in the drop. Nicely done. >=))>

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Arnaud, this is a fine look at this wet Lupine leaf. In macro views like this, the choice of where to focus (and how much) is always the first challenge. Your post handles that well, as it shows off the refraction in the large center drop very well. I find the out-of-focus leaves and drops at the bottom working nicely at pulling my eyes into the center. Moving the main drop further from center is an idea to explore.

Thank Bill, yes make me think how much carefully select deep of field and how cropping can chnage the image as an all.

Hi Mark, think I post this image, I played with crop and start thinking the square center may not be the best one. As you say, having the drop out of center bring better reading.