Hanging Grasses - Monochrome

A few weeks ago, I submitted Hanging Grasses, and I wondered at the time if a quieter interpretation were available. The BW weekly challenge prompted me to try this.

All reactions and comments highly valued.

Specific Feedback Requested

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Same as before, but processed in PS to get this effect - tried masks, desaturate, inversion.

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Hi Dick, I think this works quite well. I like the apparent symmetry of the grasses from left to right. The background is hard to figure out which keeps me engaged in the scene. And I think B&W is the right way to process this.

I missed your earlier color post, but you found the magic here, in my opinion! Very intriguing!

If I had not known about the color version, I would have thought it was grass on snow!

This is an interesting view, with a strong “line drawing” feeling, Dick.

This is pretty cool Dick. I like it.