Trees are essential for beavers…and, honestly, beavers are essential for humans. I’ve planted thousands of trees in my life, and, while it hurts to see one like this, I know it is just part of the cycle of life. In the early 1800s beavers were nearly wiped out in New England—for men’s hats no less. Combined with wholesale logging the result was massive, annual flooding of nearly every river valley. I’ll take a few downed trees to keep these critters in the neighborhood.
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Technical Details
iPhone 5, 1/300, f/2.4, ISO50, with minor adjustments to tone curves in LR
Hi, John. What an interesting perspective you got in your photo! Were you very high above the ground? Also striking for me is the clear evidence of the beavers’ work on the bark as you have a section of it still covered. The color palette is very pleasing to my eyes, too. That creek adds more contrast to the subject, especially in a diagonal line. The only thing I keep hoping for is some sign of reference as to the dimension of those fallen trees. Near the URC, there seems to be a larger tree, but it’s not clear.
Thanks. The trees were about 12" in diameter at their base. I was up on a ridge above the stream bed; it was too high and steep to easily climb down but perfect for a perspective photo. It was all pretty fresh too so the colors were vivid.