Harrier Courtship?

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I saw these harriers flying quite closely together and was able to take some photos. I am not sure if they are exhibiting a courtship behavior or are doing something else. If a member is knowledgeable please let me know. I am also not sure if the two are both females or if one of the birds is an immature male. A friend of mine who is an avid birder thinks it is the latter. In the third photo, I used content aware move toplace the birds closer to the clouds which makes a more interesting photo. Your thoughts??

Technical Details

f/8, 1/3200 and Auto ISO.

Nice shots, Richard. I particularly like the first. I don’t think this is courtship as the males are light gray rather than brown and considerably smaller than the females. More likely a bit of a territorial tiff.

Nice series Richard. Fist shot is my favorite as well as the one on top seems to be in hot pursuit with the other fleeing. Also agree it is most likely a territorial conflict. Interesting behavioral images.

[quote=“Richard Sandor, post:1, topic:40200, username:Richard_Sandor”]
photos. I am not sure if they are exhibiting a courtship behavior or are doing something else. If a member is knowledgeable please let me know. I am also not sure if the two are both females or if one of the birds is an immature male. A friend of mine who is an avid birder thinks it is the latter. In the third photo, I used content aware to ;move the birds closer to the clouds.

Dennis and Allen: thanks for your comments. I think I let a warm Spring day to lead me to think that love was in the air :sunglasses: . The same friend mentioned earlier indicates that the immature male and female closely resemble each other. Thanks again. Richard

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Could be an immature male, Richard. I don’t know if they mate the first year or not, but he might be trying.

A nice sequence of shots with good detail in the harriers.