Have An Ice Day

Hi Ted,

I think I fall into that same category, I like to present the scene as close as possible to original, but I also like to do things that help to show my intent or vision a little better if I can.

Your rework is basically the combination of everyone’s suggestions and that is valuable to me.

This version adds drama to the action of the climber, it actually seems like the scale has increased as well because the ice columns and climber are larger in the frame.
The crop at the top put the climber higher on the ice wall and that adds to the tension because it seems like he has farther to fall (in our imaginations).
It also changes the perceived perspective, this makes it appear that you are closer laterally and vertically to the climber which is where the increased drama comes from in my opinion.

I really like this version! :slight_smile:
Nice work, Ted!

Collaboration works! :slight_smile:

I just went through the same thing with my latest street scene image. The final version is significantly different than the original. The third version is the result of the suggestions I received (collectively).
And I appreciate having others here that can help with my own images.

I don’t just dish out suggestions and comments, I appreciate receiving them as well :slight_smile:

Here’s the latest street scene image I posted, the top image is the final version, the fourth is the original (the B&W doesn’t count as a version).
I’m not asking you to review or comment, just pointing out that we all (including me) benefit from the critiques.

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