Hidden in Place

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Last Sunday was a bust for photography with bright and very windy conditions. With a manual focus macro lens, the winds kept success rates very low. I found a damselfly down in the grass first thing in the morning and was able to get a few shots. The background turned out very interesting to me and is composed of grass stems and leaves.

Technical Details

Z9 200mm f4 (1/250 sec at f20, ISO 500, Fill at 1/32 power) Levels, crop for comp. It is a bit tight on the bottom, but it might work for this comp…Jim

Wonderful detail in the dragonfly! For my taste, I find the dark and the green areas compete with the DF. And the canvas can be extended on the bottom with content-aware fill (the old version – no new AI needed). I tried the ideas, and cropped back from the top to your approximate aspect ratio. Just FWIW. The fill at the bottom is clumsy but could be done much more carefully and retouched.

Jim, what a fine look at this Damselfly. I like how the perch runs vertical across the image. I like what @Diane_Miller did, especially to the BG. Wonderful details captured in the Damselfly.

Jim, the subtlity in this view stands out as you’ve got excellent detail in the df even as it blends well with the surroundings. I too was thinking that some dodging of the darkest area on the the right would work well.

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