
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Was returning home from a small road trip, and I saw this down in a valley. We got off the highway and took a dirt road into it, but came to a fence. So, we turned around to leave. As we were at the end of the dirt road, a truck pulled in and the farmer talked to us (asking if we were lost, they are such kind people!). We said no, we saw the old truck from the highway and was wanting to get a photo of it, but came upon a closed gate. He said “Oh, well she is elderly now and lives with her son a few hours away, she would be more than happy for you to go in and take pictures, go on ahead, I’m her neighbor watching her property.” So in we went, and this is the rest of the story. What luck he happened to come down to do some field work right then! I also added a tish of a painterly feel to the image.

Technical Details


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Judi, this was a real fortunate find and meet up with the farmer who granted the permission for access… :+1:
Both subjects collectively work as presented but they would be great individual items as well if you have those takes too… :nerd_face:
The image has a softness to it and I was not sure if that was your intent or you did not sharpen it in the end… :sunglasses:
Regardless, it is a fine image and it works as presented… :cowboy_hat_face:

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Cool – both the image and the encounter that allowed it! I love the way you framed the truck and house. The lighting is pleasantly soft with nice tonal detail, and good DOF.

The juxtaposition of these two subjects is really creative on your part. I like that they partially overlap like that. I guess it implies there is a story between truck and house. Like Bonnie and Clyde are holed up in there between bank heists. Or maybe it suggests that their robbery days are over and the land has reclaimed their history. For some reason I like the grass showing within that door. My only suggestion has to do with the sky. The blue is too dark. Maybe shift the blue towards cyan a bit. Don’t know.

Thank you Paul! I added a painterly texture to it, therefore this one is not super sharp. I do have the original image that is very sharp. Thank you again for your kind words!

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Thank you Diane!