Honker Bath

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I went out yesterday in search of subject matter to field test my Z9 firmware update’s ability to recognize, and AF bird’s eyes. I found a flock of honkers bathing at a local lake and managed several shots, all with sharp eyes. Here’s one.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Z9 (with new Z9 firmware update 4.10), hand held, 1/3200th, f 8.0, 750mm, ISO 4000, Photo AI, cropped to 4356 x 3160

1 Like

Wow, Dave! Looks like the new firmware update worked! Great detail in the eye of the Honker. You’ve captured great motion/action and the composition works for me. Nicely done!

Nice, Dave. Looks like they nailed the firmware update and you nailed the goose. Great timing on the pose and the composition works for me.

I got several action shots of them cavorting and all of them had sharp eyes. T’was a good opportunity to field test update 4.1. Big thumbs up from me, so far.