Another from Sunday. These two were pretty satisfied with their location. They were there on both my loops and it takes me two hours to do a loop. This was from the first encounter. Even though they look reasonably close together I got to f/16 without getting them both in focus together so this is a composite.
Specific Feedback Requested
Anything. How does the composite look-any glaring discrepancies?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: Yes
Sony A7Riv, FE200-600 @ 600 mm, beanbag on car window. These were adjacent images, both at f/11, 1/640, iso 1600, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. The base image is the one with the female in focus. I selected the male, its perch and its reflection in that image and erased them. I selected the same area of the image with the male in focus, copied and pasted it into the base image. there was a bit of mismatch around the edges because the male had shifted position slightly. I used content aware fill to fill the empty space and then merged layers, did a bit of cleanup and continued with normal processing. The image was straightened and cropped to 6381x4758. Taken at 8:40 am on February 28th.