Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
From my car I was excited to see 2 pairs close to the shore of a pond. After walking in and setting up my tripod, they had moved to the other side. Undeterred, I picked up everything and headed over to the other side of the smallish pond, only to discover they had moved back to my previous location. Finally decided to grab some shots at a distance before they flew off. Quite a handsome pair at any rate.
Specific Feedback
All comments and suggestions are welcome and thanks for viewing.
Technical Details
Fuju X-H2, ISO 500, f/8, 1/500, XF 70-300 lens with 1.4 converter, 630mm, tripod. Exposure adjusted in post processing, as well as sharpening; 6% crop.
Nice to get the pair together, Jim. Ducks as a rule tend to move away unless you’re at a pond that’s so much used by people that they’re habituated. Even them some species are shyer and this is one of them. If they’re hanging at that pond and you have access, go when you have quite a bit of time and just sit. They might come to your side.
Hi Jim, these birds are Hooded Mergansers. Nice view of this pair - glad you shared these. Definitely tough birds to get close to. Whites on the male look a little blown. I think increasing shutter speed would have helped with the whites and freezing the movement of the birds. A fine looking pair.
Thanks for your comments @Dennis_Plank and suggestions. Good advice, and maybe even a portable blind, ha ha.
@Allen_Sparks , thanks so much for the correction…I thought the coloration was off but didn’t follow through. I would have thought 1/500 would be enough for floating ducks, but maybe not from a great distance after all.