Hooded Oriole + repost

The Orioles are back!! Last year was the first time a neighbor and I have seen them in our area and they seem to have liked it. I need to arrange a more natural-looking setup, but here’s a start, shot from my “hunting” blind at a feeder. Soft morning fog just starting to clear. BG is trees down a slope about 200 ft away.

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All comments welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon R5, 100-500 + 2X at 856, f/14 (wide open), ISO 800, 1/250 sec. Short burst in electronic shutter to choose the sharpest one. Minimal tonal tweaks in LR, into PS for Topaz DeNoise, hardly needed at this image size. One tiny bit of debris cloned out below the beak. Nik Detail Extractor to bring out a bit more tonal detail. Cropped to 65% of the original frame.

1 Like

Excellent pose, perch, head turn, and background. The detail is marvelous. Colors are bright but that’s how these birds are. I would like to see a little more room on the left side of the frame. I am generally not a fan of centered images but this one is certainly sweet.

Beautiful detail and color in this image, Diane, and the background works really well. I tend to agree with David that a bit more room on the left and maybe a touch less on the right would make the image even better. I’d certainly love to have this species around here!

What a beautiful bird, presented beautifully, as well. I rather like the perch; simple but effective. Doesn’t detract from the marvelous bird.

Beautiful bird and likewise shot, Diane. Tack sharp, detailed, well-exposed. Agree that a bit more space to the left could be worth considering, with this type of BG you could easily add some canvass, should your ethics permit. Love it ! Hans

Thanks everyone! I do have a little more original frame on the left and top so here’s a redo for @David_Schoen, @Dennis_Plank and @Hans_Overduin. I do like it more this way – thanks!

Hi Diane,

The oriole is nice and sharp and the colors separate the bird from the muted background colors. This is a very good start and more on the left will strengthen the comp for sure…Jim