Hot Chocolate Falls

Any feedback is welcome
1/4 sec exposure F/20 Canon 6d 70-200 F4L with ND/4

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Very nice image! I don’t think the composition needs any real changes, but maybe some midtone contrast in the water and rocks might help give it a little more punch! Either with levels or dodge/burn for more precision. It would help create more depth in the image as well.


I think it’s a rare occasion (at least for me,) where muddy/tannin water actually looks good! I think the mix of browns in the water with the greenish rocks works well.

I like the flow of the water and the chosen shutter speed. This looks great.

Only wish - a little more inclusion of the surrounding rock/environment. Feels just a little tight around the edges.

I’m gonna take a wild *ss guess and say Sunol Regional Park? Little Yosemite? Looks like it could be? Not important though.


Lon’s observations about flow and colors pretty much sum up my thoughts on this image. To me it’s the rocks on the whole left side of the image that feel tight, I wish there was a little more there. If you don’t have this or another image with the space to show more, you might want to go to Photoshop, add some canvas to the left, and try Content Aware Fill, I suspect it may work okay here.