After a day of light rain, the water droplets on our hydrangea shrub caught my eye. I also remembered that the NPN Weekly Challenge was “Green” this week, so this seemed like fate! So I grabbed this image, trying to keep only the subject leaf in focus.
Oops, thanks Kristen. Sorry, that was the wrong image. I actually removed (with Photoshop) some white flowers below the leaf because they were a distraction, and that image was the half-way point. I’ve updated my original post with the final image.
I’m not well-versed with Photoshop (I prefer to stick to Lightroom as much as possible), so any suggestions regarding that are welcome!
Mark, the leaf, the raindrops, and how the leaf angles across the frame look very good. The brightness of the subject sets it off from the background leaves nicely. In the largest version, the lower leaf edge does look “not quite right”, but it’s certainly acceptable in the smaller versions. While everybody talks about cloning out this and that with Photoshop, getting such cloning to fit perfectly is quite a challenge. In this case there’s a sharpness change along that edge as well as a step in the edge that don’t quite fit.