ISO 800
55mm- Nikor
Nikon 3200
0.4 sec
I was looking this house gecko, but it was hiding below a painting, after sometime it showed up and I got this frame . it is moment that just happened…Peekaboo moment from the lizard I guess
ISO 800
55mm- Nikor
Nikon 3200
0.4 sec
I was looking this house gecko, but it was hiding below a painting, after sometime it showed up and I got this frame . it is moment that just happened…Peekaboo moment from the lizard I guess
Very cute, Nishand. I really like the composition. In the larger image, the gecko looks just slightly soft, not surprising with that long shutter speed.
Thank you very much Mr. Dennis.
with regards
Nishand Venugopal
Nishand, I like what you’re trying to do here. The peeking gecko and the wide diagonal bands of color work together very well. With this picture, I’d suggest blurring the sharp blue edge of the painting (if you have software that will let you do that). That should put more attention on the gecko and it’s peeking action. If you get another chance, I’d also suggest placing the gecko’s head closer to the upper right corner.
Thank you Mr Mark for your suggestion.
With regards
Nishand Venugopal
Nishand: Good eye and a fine comp. I think the slight softness could be improved with a touch more post processing but to me the capture looks good. Nicely done. >=))>
Thank you very much for your comment Mr. Bill
Love it! An excellent eye to see this -
To me, the nictitaing membrane is kinda distracting - I’d personally clean up the eye a bit.
Nice work!
Thank you very much Ms. Sandy for your valuable comment.
With regards
Nishand Venugopal