I Forgot to Shave for the Shoot

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This guy kept flying up and down on the same spot. Every time he went up, I got closer. I came within a couple inches before he took off for good. But not before I got a closeup of his whiskers and what looks like a great big SMILE!!!

Specific Feedback

Although I was able to get close, I still cropped this a little in photoshop and I also used Topaz for noise.
How is the crop?

Technical Details

Canon 5Dsr, MACRO 100mm w/extension tube. 800 ISO
Photoshop for clean up and Topaz for noise

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

John, you really were in his face for this shot! Wonderful details in the eyes especially. I am thinking maybe if you were to calm the brightness a bit, especially on the top where probably the sunlight was reflecting off. It looks like right now that some detail was lost there because the highlights were blown, but hopefully not. I enjoy shooting these guys. Some will let you get in pretty close. I talk to them and I think it calms them, but who knows.

Excellent job getting super close, John. The detail in the eyes is just awesome. I’m curious what your f-stop was and if it would have been possible to get a tad more depth of field to get the full face in focus. The crop looks fine to me. I do see what @Shirley_Freeman was referring to about the highlights and it’s worth checking the raw file to see if you can do anything about them.

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John: Great close up and a good reward for your patience. I often find dragonflies will return to a particular perch and if you just wait and sit still they will let you approach. I find that if I chase them I can’t get as close. I once took a course on speaking dragonflyese but like Shirley I’m not sure it helps :roll_eyes:. Really top notch shot. >=))>

Thanks. Shirley, Bill and Dennis for your comments. Dragonflies are fun to shoot. I like getting as close as possible and still get a good shot. I know getting too close can be difficult to pull off as well. I’m not sure of all my settings. I kept changing settings as I moved. I’ll look and see about the highlights. All thoughts are helpful.

Excellent look at this great buggy face.
LOVE those eyes
Fine work!

I love how it seems to be winking, an impression caused by that black patch in its right eye. And the smug grin is great. You got in really close, which allows us to get a lot of fun out of the dragonfly’s face. Crop seems just right; well done!