I was walking around Rocky Neck State Park when I spotted this Mallard.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This shot was taken on April 20 at 8:33 AM in the back of Rocky Neck State Park.
I spent a fair amount of time moving around the path to get this angle. I think it work.
Thank you for stopping by.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Canon R5 & 1.4ext, 661mm, f9, 1/1600, -.7EV, SO 400. The shot is cropped by 60% and I adjusted the highlights in DXO PhotoLab 6.


It does work quite nicely Peter. I like the water and reflection. It feels like a backdrop in a portrait session. Nice pose on the bird too. Mallards are beautiful birds but so common most don’t seem to want to photograph them. Well done.

A beautiful reflection shot, Peter. I love the colors in the water and the texture of the reflected background. The Mallard gave you a lovely pose and head turn and you took full advantage of it. Well done.

Hi Peter, I like the playful pose from this mallard and the background is quite complimentary. The green on the head stands out nicely from the rest of the image. Nice placement of the subject in the frame. A pleasing photo.

Hi Peter,

All this oneeds needs is a very slight rotation CCW to get the ripples horizontal. Otherwise a very fine comp with excellent color and wonderful surroundings to the subject…Jim

Hi David, DennisAllen & Jim
Some time even a Mallard can look good, then for the comments. Here is a repost with CCW rotation.

Wonderful shot with an intriguing color and brightness on the BG. Nice artsy reflection and the rotation was a good fix.