Ice Painting

I like ice images, hence taking the opportunity to post my third image in this week challenge. This one is from Boxing Day. The raw file was somewhat grey and dull, in the urgent need for some post-processing! Suddenly during the post-processing the image revealed itself as an Ice Painting. On the scale between realistic and artistic images, I am far out on the artistic side. You could say that nature provided the brush strokes and the basic color, while I framed it and adjusted the colors. Interested in to hear what you think about this one.

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Very nice, great curves. Reminds me of ice-age cave paintings.

I really like this. Excellent composition and balance. I personally really enjoy the artistic rendering. Kudos!

Wonderful abstract, Ola. Great what nature provides if we take the time to look. Nicely seen and captured.

This is so cool, Ola! It looks like 2 dinosaurs found frozen in Siberia or one of those places where they’ve found whole animals! Maybe a Brachiosaurus on top with his head curved down and a Triceratops on the bottom you can see the frills underneath the top one’s head! Really beautifully photographed!

Ola, this looks great. The mix of browns with hints of green and gently rounded the shapes create a very inviting view. In many of my icestracts, the original file is very limited in tonal range. Expanding that range and increasing the contrast can add quite a bit of saturation and color.