Don’t you wish you could understand them…
These two Fiery Throated Hummingbirds must be talking about their perch and who has the right to it. Taken on a cloudy day in the rain. I cloned away the raindrops because they did not add to the image.
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Iso-2000, 300 mm PF at F8, 1000th, no flash, handheld, 50% of full frame, D 500.
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Aren’t sibling rivalries fun?! The colors, especially the iridescent ones, are outstanding.
Man, oh man! This is really a prize. I’ve done a lot of Hummingbird shooting and have never come close to a scene like this. The birds, their poses, the interesting branch, the bokeh… So, I’m curious. What part of the world was this taken in?
Costa Rica at roughly 11,000 feet above sea level.
Great action David. You might have gotten away with stepping down 1/3 stop to increase your DOF, but tack sharp were it has to be. Nice
Fun stuff, David. Looks like that 300 PF is a nice option for a walkaround lens. Pretty impressive weight savings.
Excellent capture, especially of the action and the iridescence. Sweet mossy perch and BG.
A wall-hanger for sure!
Beautiful, David. Love seeing all the fine feather details here and you have got a really awesome perch, too! Great action.
This is utterly gorgeous as well as having great interaction, David. Looks like one of your perches.