Hello nature photographers. My name is Chuck Kimmerle, and I am honored to be doing an AMA and answering your questions. No topic is off limits (hence the second A, which stands for “Anything”). And while I will be happy to talk about my own work, I also encourage queries into deeper issues such as the creative process, artistic frustrations, the loneliness of photography, or struggling to find our own paths.
Let me get this started by asking the first question: why am I not a nature-only photographer?
Well, I began my photography career as a newspaper photographer (more than 16 years!), and photojournalism is about people. And people, in turn, are about stories. I learned to appreciate photographs that offer a story, or narrative, which is greater than the sum of the content. I want to challenge viewers and encourage them to think, to have a short dialog with my work, and often that means adding a man-made element into the composition.
I do photograph nature, of course, but I would not call myself a nature photographer. I am not even sure that landscape photographer is an appropriate title. I have always struggled to find an appropriate label for me and my work. For now, “creative” photographer will have to do.
During my career as a photographer, I have photographed a wide range of subjects: Super Bowl, commercial airliner crash, a devasting flood, shelter belts in North Dakota, elk bones, and the Grand Tetons. I have done four National Park artist residencies, have had multiple art museum solo exhibits. I have lived in both North Dakota and NYC, do most of my photography close to home, and have no idea what most of the buttons on my camera do.
Neither my work nor my opinions are always popular, but they are always honest.
I am an open book.
Ask me anything.
Portfolio Website - https://www.chuckkimmerle.com/
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- Please only ask one question by replying to this topic a single time, using the yellow Reply button at the bottom. It’s also helpful to scroll to the bottom while reading the topic to make sure nobody else has asked the same question first before you ask.
- Please don’t ask more than one question, so everyone gets a chance.
- Please do not reply to anyone else’s post. The only purpose of replies on this topic is to ask the author one question. Please create a new topic if you’d like to discuss a related topic in more detail.
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