In the Gorge


5D2, 17-40L, CPL

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I also have an 8x8 crop of left foreground tree and tree in back.

Beautiful image, Danny. I like the composition a lot but I think the yellow color cast appears a little strong for my taste. Lovely vision here.

I would probably go with the 8x8 crop because the eye does go back and forth on this one,

This is nice soft light that is beautifully processed Danny. The greens and browns work very well together. I agree with @Igor_Doncov that a square crop of just the left might work better. In the original image the two main tree trunks have roughly similar visual weight, and my eye just ping pongs back and forth between them, and Iā€™m not sure where to look. In a square crop of just the left half, there is still a relationship between the foreground and background trees, but the foreground tree is more dominant, and I guess I just prefer that relationship over the ping pong of the original.