The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I pass by this Oak tree at least two times a day as I leave home and come back home. It is barely noticeable. But on this morning it stood out with such great detail with its trunk and all of its branches frosted and highlighted by the snow. The way it seems to be bowing under the weight of the snow, which it is not as this is its natural curve, almost as if it is doing so in honor of winter.
I only have one more winter photo after this.
Specific Feedback
Does the composition work? It’s not like I can go back and retake it, but just in case I am still living here and another heavy snowfall occurs.
Technical Details
Nikon D850, Nikon 50mm f/1.8 MF lens at f11 at 1/50 sec ISO 100. Processed in ACR and PS CC
You have taken on a difficult task with the scene; forests can be such chaos. I would like to suggest that your subject tree needs to stand out more to draw the viewers eye. I took the liberty of making quick edit, uploading your image to PS, then adding a duplcate layer in PS with a gaussian blur to the layer (for the non subject area). I then adding a layer mask, masking out the subject tree, which is lightened with a touch of clarity to make the subject tree stand out in the lower layer. My thought.
This tree is so expressive. It feels like it’s bending over backwards. I, personally, like this type of image over the ‘pattern’ image you posted earlier. It’s also more difficulty to see this in the natural world. The only issue I see is the white branch coming in from the right frame. Otherwise there is a lot of beauty and gracefulness to the form of that tree.