
Little Sister

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Other than being without power for a week we survived Hurricane Beryl in pretty good shape. In accordance with mythological power the Hydra was indestructible and this little lady has proven so. Despite winds in our area of over 65mph she was unbowed and seems to be flourishing. In fact her little sister is sprouting out of the same plant and seems to be thriving as well. All comments welcome. >=))>

Specific Feedback

I was pretty pleased with the stacks and had to do very little cleaning. Critical assessment always welcome. I would have preferred a nicer BG than the fence but couldn’t move the plant to a more advantageous position. I did soften and dodge some of the darker spots and cracks in the fence. >=))>

Technical Details

Sony A7rIII
Sony FE 70-200 f2.8 GM-II @ 158mm
ISO 400, 1/800 @ f4, 11 shot stack in Helicon Focus

Little Sister
Sony FE 70-200 f2.8 GM-II, 2xTC @ 400mm
ISO 400, 1/3200 @ f5.6, 22 shot stack in Helicon Focus

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I love the shapes in the first image, Bill, they’re absolutely gorgeous. I do tend to agree about the fence. Just a suggestion, but since it looks like a wooden fence it would be pretty easy to tack up an artificial backdrop of your choice. Little sister is very well presented, though I could see a touch more room in the upper right both horizontally and vertically, but mostly the former.

This beautiful plant just keeps on giving beautiful images.

The curvaceous lines of the plant are delicious. Nicely photographed. I agree about the background and with Dennis’s suggestion to put another background behind it. Easy enough to do.

Bill, I really like this plant which I don’t think I have ever seen before. The curves and shapes as well as the beautiful color is, as @Chris_Baird said, delicious. So glad they survived the hurricane as well as you and your wife, home as well as this plant and hopefully all of your beautiful flower garden. A week without power is a long time. Welcome back to NPN and civilization. I agree about the BG. I have some black velvet that I carry with me for a BG but have to admit I forget I have it and after I get home, I am thinking why I didn’t pull that out and use it.

It a fantastic composition! I love the way the ends are all curled. I’m glad you made it through the storm! I actually like the fence, and thats saying something because I tend to not like any signs of humanity in my own photos. Your stack really is amazing. I dont think I see a single problem with it. The dusty pastel tones in this are very soothing. Nice work!

Paul: Thanks for echoing my thinking. I could have put up a backdrop and have done so in other circumstances but I liked the texture of the fence and was able to tone down the most egregious dark spots. Thanks for the comment. >=))>

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