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Larry, I like this image, it has a nice mood. The flowers almost look like an early snowfall. To answer your question, I think the bands of darker green grass add to the image by creating some layering and depth, and the bottom one serves a framing purpose as well.
In looking at the larger image, there seems to be some noise in the trees/fog. You did not provide technicals, so i cant say if using high ISO caused this, or whether it was introduced by processing, either way it may help to run some noise reduction on it.
If this were mine, i might consider simplifying the composition a little by cropping away on the right, between the little tree and the big tree. I think this would place more emphasis on the stronger group of trees in the center of the image.
I want to be there (with a nice warm coat on)! From a novice’s perspective on the crop and grass, I like how the trees in the back and two in the front diminish moving to the right. Depending on what the grass a few inches below where you cropped it looks like, I see that as possibly making a nice counter balance as a subtle upward diagonal if you bring back a little grass more at the bottom. Does that make sense? Great scene!
This is very nice, Larry! The foggy conditions add a lot of interesting mood to the scene. The wildflowers almost look like a blanket of snow. Nicely done!
Beautiful conditions indeed! The fog really makes this image and I’m really liking how the trees fade in the fog. While I might wish for a little extra room on the sides/bottom to give the little guys a little more breathing space, I do really like the spacing and tension of the saplings in the meadow - contrasted with the big trees fading in the fog. ( I see from your description this is a crop from a larger version - so if it were mine I’d give just a little more room bottom/sides, if that works.)
This does appear fairly soft, which given the conditions is almost appropriate, but still seems either a little out of focus, or blurred a little from hand holding? (no techs, so not sure…)