
Like Diane, I’m digging into my archives for this shot from 2011. After all the rain in October of that year, there was water everywhere in New Hampshire’s Bear Brook State Park. Not much in the way of foliage color, but plenty of water. Shot from a bridge over what is usually a trickle at this time of year.

Specific Feedback Requested

Reprocessed with new tools and techniques, but nothing too major. Thoughts? I have some shots with more of the back forest revealed, but it’s very bright and full of hotspots.

Technical Details

Tripod and CPL


Lr for pretty much everything to smooth tonalities - masks mostly and did some work in the Calibration panel to give the yellows some punch, but didn’t touch the HSL or the vibrance and saturation sliders. A bit of a wb adjustment and some lens correction. Topaz for Sharpening, but didn’t like what it did to the water so I blended that shot with the original in Photoshop.

Great image. I really like the transition from sharp to blurred reflection.

Thanks Ola - the ones I have with a faster shutter speed didn’t work as well even though the branches are a little softer here.

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