I have visited this location several times for the flowers on the cactus and it seems the spider is a regular resident and usually meanders out to see what I’m up to. Difficult to catch him/her on an outer leaf so I catch what I can do.
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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5ds-r with 180mm macro lens at f13, 1/200 sec. and ISO 800. Used Bolt ring light and tripod, PS and LR with Topaz sharpen and noise reduction.
What I like most are the two greens. Maybe crop a bit off the top to get us closer to the spider? But it’s a stunning detailed capture of this beautiful insect, John.
Oh, one of my favorite subjects, Wayne. I too like the greens in this. They are usually small, so I am okay with the way you presented him here. Maybe he will pose face on sometime for you, if he is a regular and doesn’t seem to mind you being there. To me, they just have a really cute face.
A very fuzzy spider indeed. The image appears to have a slight green cast to it, but the whites in the image look OK. My best guess for this is that’s the way picture is so I wouldn’t worry about it. Comp is fine as presented. Well done…Jim