Denali again but this time a telephoto showing the lower ONE THIRD of the mountain, a massive jumble of snow and ice and rock and, of course, clouds. It is just impossible to believe the height of the whole mountain—you just have to keep on looking up! It has the greatest elevational gain from the base of any mountain in the world, over 20,000 feet.
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Technical Details
Pentax K-7, 1/800, f/6.3, 300mm, ISO200 with adjustments to tone curves inLR
Wow, John. This is incredible. I can only imagine the scene you saw! The only suggestion I can give is to crop a little off the bottom. Bring the crop just above the second row of trees. Nice image.
This is an amazing photo John! I’ve been to Denali a few times but have never seen the whole mountain. This is a great way to visualize its immense size. Well done!