Taken this morning as the sun was just breaking through the clouds. This follows the unconventional composition with the subject in the far right part of the frame. I was just a little late on getting to last week’s weekly challenge.
Specific Feedback Requested
Technical Details
ISO 1250, 200-600 at 600 mm, F8, 1000th, 50% of full frame, Sony A1
I love the story you are telling here and the nice bokeh! I actually really like the bird looking out of the frame as it adds an air of mystery and wonder. I think we can get too stuck in taking shots “correctly” or according to the “rules” but what I see here is you followed your own instinct and the image seems to be saying that.
I like the composition, David. As usual, your bird is perfectly focused and exposed. I think you might want to bring down the brighter parts of the fence a bit if you can make it look natural. It tends to pull my eye a bit too strongly for my taste.