Taken about an hour ago. I was standing in a portable blind on my front porch in this juvenile Hairy Woodpecker mail landed right in front of me. I have a family of Hairy Woodpeckers and Downy Woodpeckers coming to my feeders. They almost look identical but the Hairy Woodpeckers are nearly twice the size of the Downey’s.
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Pertinent technical details or techniques: Iso-800, 100-400 at 268 mm, F5 .6, 800th, A7R3, handheld, 60% of full frame
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Nice close look with good detail. One foot forward, one back-wonder if that’s typical.
Wonderful, natural image ! Today I also saw some, I guess, but couldn’t do the size comparison at the spot … Anyway, nice light and nice pose ! Cheers, Hans
Hi David,
Hairies are pretty rare around here so I’d consider this a special catch if it was mine. I like the perch and pose - a good look at the under belly. I think maybe some eye clean up would help and perhaps another round of noise reduction on the background. Nice capture.
Very good detail, David, and a nice species to get. They don’t seem as common or confiding as the Downy’s do. I’m a bit surprised that there appears to be some noise in the bird’s plumage which I wouldn’t expect at those settings.
Yup, I was experimenting and it was several stops underxposed…