Caught this morning in cloudy to foggy conditions. There were actually two males at my feeders this morning. This is the first time I’ve ever seen two males in my area. Both about the same size but this one is perhaps a juvenile. I’ve had downy woodpeckers in my neighborhood for several years.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
Any concerns regarding sharpness and oversaturation. I did cut the red saturation back about 30%.
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Any pertinent technical details:
Iso-1250, 200-500 500 mm, F6 .3, 150th of a second, fill flash at -1, -0.7 EV, D 500, tripod, DxO photo lab, Adobe camera raw 11, Topaz adjust, TK sharpening action at 1%
Very cool perch for a woodpecker…
Not too sharp, in fact your DOF left it a tad soft in a couple areas.
I also think a bit more above if you have it would look good.
You get a lot of variety, must have a great bird yard.
I think the softness is more an issue of micro movement rather than DOF. This is at 150th sec and it’s my understanding that one needs 640th minimum to stop that movement for sure in a stationary bird. It was rather dark this morning.
I’m not sure what people are looking at here, David. I’m seeing fine detail throughout the perch and plumage of the bird. Personally, I think the plumage looks about right. You could jack up the microcontrast in the bird just a touch, but I think the soft look of the feathers is more accurate than an augmented view.
I’d say you captured a pretty nice look at the woodpecker. I like the perch and background and its a nice pose. Hard to say if the top of the head is soft, but the eye looks sharp as does the rest of the bird.