
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was walking our puppy around the yard and this katydid jumped up right in front of us and then was still present when I returned with my macro gear.

Specific Feedback

Single shot at f32.
These guys have amazingly long antennae and I decided to just cut it off rather than trying to truncate it in the frame. Any thoughts on that?
Anything else?

Technical Details

Canon 7D mark II, Sigma 150 f2.8 macro lens, 1.4x teleconverter, 580 EX II speedlite @ 1/8 power, Angler diffuser.
ISO 400, f32, 1/250s, hand held

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Allen, this is a fine look at a Katydid. It was sure nice of him to be patient and wait for you to go grab your gear. I think you handled the antennae really well. With the color of the BG it just fades out anyway (or for my old eyes anyway). Nice and sharp in the face and eyes, which is most important. Well done.

These are my nemesis. I’ve tried to catch them, but they haven’t stuck around for me so lucky you.

The antennae conundrum hits me, too. I sometimes include more than I should, but usually err on the side of including them. In this case I don’t think you need to since they are so small and fine to be practically invisible. The flash is a little strong for my taste, but that’s just me. I like more ambient light with flash which can be a tough mix. Good sharpness, but oh that back end just looks so weird to me. I know that’s how they are built, but damn if it doesn’t look like an amputation.

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