Kestrel with lunch

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Not much here. Was driving by and noticed him on the telephone wire. Stopped, rolled down window and he actually stayed put for a second! Took a few shots, and off he went to eat his lunch.

Technical Details


Hi Judi,
Photographing kestrels is so tough! Nice that you caught this one with prey and I like the glance in our direction. Too bad the bird was not on a natural perch but this is still a fine catch. I could see darkening highlights on the chest of the bird.

I like how the Kestel is looking at you and the prey is a nice bonus. I think I see more Kestrel’s on wires than anywhere else. I wonder if more of the color on the back could be brought out and maybe increase contrast on the chest.

Thanks so much for looking and commenting, I appreciate it. Yes, most of the kestrels I see seem to be on a power line. Just like hawks, seem to like the electrical poles. :slight_smile: