Killdeer in flight

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I have tried many times to catch a killdeer in flight and never succeeded until this shot.

Specific Feedback

any suggestions are appreciated

Technical Details

Z9 Z100-400 TC 1.4 shot at 540mm
ISO 1100, F/8, 1/1600sec.
Hand held.
sharpened in Topaz AI
mask in LRC to slightly darken the background.

Awesome shot, Dan. I’ve never even tried that one-I’m lucky enough to get them on the ground. The brightest whites look like they might be a bit hot and I think you might be able to squeeze a touch more detail out of them by bringing the highlights down. It’s not a major issue as the flight pose and obvious action are what’s important in this image.

Holy smokes, what a great shot. Great detail; I think they’re even more attractive in flight than on the ground.

I will try to reduce the intensity of the whites. Thanks for your suggestion.

Thank you @Allen_Brooks ,

I also have not appreciated how beautiful they were in flight.

Great catch Dan of a tough to get flight subject. I like the topside view with a great look at the eye and foot. I could see a version with a tad more room at the rear of the bird and bit more in front. Agree with toning down the brightest whites. Great capture!