King Vulture


This is one of the coolest looking vultures on the planet. I photographed this vulture in northern Costa Rica, near the Nicaraguan border back in 2017. This was photographed from inside a blind. The most vivid memory of the blind, other than seeing these magnificent birds, was that it was about 90 degrees and the humidity was about the same. :crazy_face:

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Canon 5D Mark IV, 500mm f/4
1/2000, f/4, ISO 640
Full Frame

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That is one gorgeous vulture, Keith. Beautifully photographed as well.

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I keep returning to this…what a spectacular bird. I like that you’re down on its level, too. The white balance seems a bit warm to me, but other than that, I got nuthin’. Although I do wish I could see the feet, but that’s a thing that happens when you get this low to the ground, so what can you do? Are you sure it wouldn’t dance for you? lol

What an amazing bird!! And with lovely detail in a great setting. The crop feels a little off-balance to me – I wonder about a little off the right and the same amount added to the left.

Great colors and excellent detail. The colors work well with the green background.

Nice look at this spectacular bird. I could use some of that 90 degree heat right now…

Hi Keith
Thank you for this photograph. The people in Nature Photographers proved me with an out look on nature that just would be possible to have without posts like this.
Nice work.

Thank you for sharing, Great color, detail, and POV. This vulture sure is a lot better looking than the ones I see here.

Missed a king vulture by several minutes and am glad that you had a nice look at one. Looks fine as opresented…Jim

You really got superb color and detail on this one. I don’t know if this is the same place where I went in Costa Rica to see these magnificent birds but my background was completely different. They certainly are fun to watch and pretty impressive birds.

Quite a regal looking bird and pose. Interesting looking array of feathers on it. Almost like a cape draped over the shoulders. And very clean. Well done. A dandy shot.

Perfect execution. And I agree, Keith, great bird.