Knotted Nativity

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


In this close-up, a gum burl’s rugged beauty is undeniable, presenting a swirl of grain and texture that tells a silent tale of growth and survival. Each line and crevice speaks to the burl’s journey, an organic testament to time’s handiwork. As the eye travels over the nuanced landscape of wood, one cannot help but feel a connection to the quiet yet powerful forces that shape the natural world.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

16 mm at ISO 100 and 1⁄60sec at ƒ/8

Beautiful lighting, Saundie, and I love the lines and textures.

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Thanks Dennis appreciate the comment! :pray:

This looks great Saundie. Beautiful lighting and composition. I can’t help but think where the missing armor piece (out bark layer) went. Lovely textures throughout the frame.

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I love the colour and I love the textures. It’s a simple image but its well done and has a lot of appeal. Nicely seen!

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@Tom_Nevesely @Alfredo_Mora

Thanks for the encouraging feedback, much appreciated! :pray: