Earthly Palette: The Rich Textures of Gum Bark

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The layers of this shredded gum bark mimic the contours of a rugged landscape, weathered by elements over time. The photograph captures the intricate details of the peeling layers, highlighting nature’s artistry without any need for embellishment.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

16 mm at ISO 100 and 1⁄80sec at ƒ/8

Saundie, dried mud tiles is the first thing that came to mind. Love the earthy rich colors and the texture just pops off the screen. The way the bark folds is a cool feature.

Was there anything specific that you had questions about or anything bothering you about the image?

I like the tones in this image, Saundie. The way the predominant flow of the lines in the bark to the up and left is crossed by the two ripples adds some tension to the image.

I’m curious about one thing in your images, this being an example. The size of your posts seems to vary quite a bit, for example, this one is quite small. Is it because you cropped down the original image to get this detail that intrigued you? Some other reason? Just curious.

I enjoy the ripples and flow of the darker bark. For me the bright bark in the lower left is quite an eye-puller, inhibiting my eye from following (or noticing) the pleasant criss-crossing flows elsewhere.

@Dennis_Plank @Dick_Knudson @Alfredo_Mora
Thanks for the feedback!

I can see the mud tile idea, Alfredo! There’s nothing in particular that worries me about it. It’s probably a lot more saturated than my usual images, but I can’t say that worries me.

Dennis, this was a hefty crop. Below is the original. I was on a fairly long walk and spotted this tree. I knew I wanted the bark but wasn’t sure which part. Being in a bit of a hurry, I just shot as much as I could fit in my lens, figuring I could get enough no matter the crop.

Thanks, Dick. I’ll take a look at that brighter patch and see if I can drop it back a notch.

Hi Saundie,
I love the colors in this image, and I’m a fool for abstracts of texture, color, line. The textures are wonderfully diverse here, and that really adds to the image for me.

The one thing I might suggest is a slight crop off the top and left, to just below the darkest spot where the bark has peeled away with space behind it.

I just did a quickie screenshot to show you (apologies for the bit of text from your filename).


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Thanks, Marylynne, I love your crop! . I apologize for my late reply; I’ve been road tripping.

No apologies for road tripping!
Glad you like the option.