Lake Aleeda Fall

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Keep those fall images coming, Mario. Great color in this one. I love the background vegetation a lot more than I like the foreground vegetation and I’m thinking that a square crop or even a landscape crop would accentuate the background more. Here’s what I mean.

I desaturated the reds in the foreground and burned them quite a bit while trying to make this more about the background colors. I added a vignette, lightened everything, added some negative dehaze and negative clarity to the background to give it a little bit of a glow and that’s about it. Take it for what it’s worth.
I think the little green pine tree has some weird coloration going on with it. Probably just a mask or something that didn’t catch the whole tree but the green is really green and blue and then there are a couple of branches that are bright orange. Pretty intriguing scene. I like what you were going after here and it looks like you caught fall colors a their peak. I’ve enjoyed your posts so far.


That’s a very nice peak color scene Mario;
As soon as I open the photo my mind scream “Square crop” to me…it seems @David_Haynes sees it too…

Quite a fine peak color scene you’ve captured here, Mario. While I could go either way with the foreground foliage, I do think the major pull here is the background vegetation, which is accentuated in a square crop (as David has already shown). That said, the one change I would definitely make would be to brighten the scene up by a half stop or so. This would not only make the scene itself more inviting, but it would also help those colors to really pop.

Thank you @joaoquintela @Cody_Schultz @David_Haynes for you time and comments. I agree abot the square crop and have made that. I do prefer that format.