Lake Aleeda Shore

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This is a dizzying, delightful composition. Wonderful for you to see it an bring it to us. I enjoy the arc of the shore gently leading to the reflected swirl of clouds and sky. Another Bellisima for you.
A few nits … I think if the bright green stripe of shore grass were toned down, it would let my eye go to the main scene more easily. A micro-nit is a few tiny distractions along the top … a piece of grass near upper left corner, and bright patches along the top edge. My attempt to address those:

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Another unorthodox composition from you, but one that works for this viewer. It does have something of a painterly look with the cloud reflections. I think tweaks suggested by @Dick_Knudson are a good improvement, by dialing back the brightness of the green grass , it reduces their visual weight, and allows the viewer to more easily explore the beautiful cloud reflections. I also like the grasses in the water, they create a useful transition zone which helps the composition.