Late autumn

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Recently I was hiking along a perennial stream in central Arizona. The area is thickly wooded. I didn’t think there would still be any autumn leaves but there were quite a few.

I did very little processing on this one–just some global and local contrast adjustments.

Specific Feedback

I mostly want overall reactions but I’m interested in any specific reactions that people may have.

Technical Details

ISO 100, 182mm, f/16, .3 second.

Don, there is a wonderful subtlety to your image for me. Your careful treatment of colors and contrast is spot on to my eye, consistent with the atmosphere of this late autum scene. Exploring all the delicate details keeps my attention for a long time.
I just think if it would have been possible to allow a bit more space at the left. There is a rather tight crop to the left to the darker branch in my opinion.
Furthermore I think of filling the upper right corner with some pattern of the foliage - this kind of empty space draws my attention.
These suggestions are my personal opinion of course and I know I am nitpicking this way. Finally I appreciate this image a lot as presented, it makes me feel like standing in the middle of the scene.

Peter, thanks for commenting. Your reaction is gratifying.

I see the merit in your suggestions and I don’t think you’re nitpicking. You’re giving me the kind of advice I wanted. I think I’ll make a small change to the upper right corner to keep it from drawing attention. I can’t leave any more space on the left side of the image because of how I framed the shot.

I used to always be amazed at how long fall color would hang on in the desert southwest. We used to drive from southeast AZ to visit my in-laws in NW NM for Thanksgiving, and I remember how good the cottonwoods looked along the rivers and streams.

I love how much fine detail is in your image Don; that wall of branches and twigs is really intriguing. They are so thick you can’t see through them. I’m guessing this gets even better at larger sizes; in small versions like we typically post those tiny details are harder to appreciate. I’d love to see a huge print of it.

I hear where @Peter_Richter is coming from; a bit more or less on the left would probably be more cohesive. If I square crop this to remove the left side, it’s an intriguing alternative.

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Thanks for commenting, John. There is indeed a lot of fine detail. I used a sturdy tripod.

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